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Client Testimonials

Looks crowded but professional.

Excellent place for Ayurveda needs.
Products quality is good and prices reasonable
My 3 months old baby girl used to be so cranky only in evening. So I started to give her “SUVARNAPRASHAN” I got good result in just a week!! Now she is 11 Months old & I am still Giving her the same.
I even Use fairness cream and face pack for me. I am getting to see good result on my face.
BIG THANKS TO YOU!! as you send me all the products to fine via courier.
Thank You.
Most experienced & patient friendly doctor…
Cost effective With NO side-effects treatment.
Hello Dr Sheetal, since mid March have been using the natural hand sanitizer purchased from you.
We are still using it.
The fragrance is still intact and
No burning sensation to.hands.
Also used the rose soap ,that too was good .
Thank you .
I have used the home facial kit of Vedayyu. Firstly, since the ingredients are natural and devoid of chemicals, the fragrance of the products in the kit is pleasant. Secondly, there is a clear difference that we can experience when we use the products as compared to other so-called Ayurvedic products in the market. I highly recommend this product.
I have suffered from severe skin dryness on the feet since 2015.
Ever since I started consuming Dr. Kesskar’s medicines and applying lotions it has considerably reduced and almost close to normal now.
Thank you very much!
My experience with Vedayyu was excellent. I got the results after taking my very first session. My face appeared to be more clear than before. The benefit of the therapy was that all the products used were ayurvedic with no side effects.
Bharat Singh
Very effective products. Especially loved the strawberry lip balm, it helped heal my lips super quickly.
Modini Pradhan
I normally buy the Aayush kadha and Chyavanprash from Veddayyu as an immunity booster. Awesome product especially the kadha tastes very nice.
Ashlesha Mahajan
All her products are pocket-friendly and harmless. Hence, give it a try to see the amazing results.
I met Dr. Keskkar during the free health check-up camp arranged in Jan2021. She is very nice, approachable, and polite to talk to. During the check-up, she took all my details to diagnose my issue with hair, dandruff, PCODs, skin, and overall health. According to that she suggested a couple of changes in my diet and eating timings. Currently, I am following it and seeing the changes within.
I am using her anti-dandruff hair oil and hibiscus flower hair oil and got positive results after 3rd application. The dandruff is completely gone. My hair becomes soft and shiny. Her homemade soaps are also good and give a refreshing feeling. The homemade sanitizer has a nice smell and the bottle is easy to carry during travel. I would also like to recommend her ayurvedic face pack which gives amazing results to reduce acne and pimples.
My mother who is 91 years old was having digestion-related issues and joint pain issues for quite some time. We were struggling to get proper guidance and treatment from someone who practices his / her medical profession with empathy. We all know it is a rare commodity and hence all our efforts to get proper medical intervention and support were not bearing fruits. For the last one month or so my mother was constantly complaining about vomiting sensation, constipation, low appetite, etc. One evening while doing a google hunt for an Ayurvedic doctor in Thane West, I chanced upon Veddayyu Clinic in Thane. The next day I immediately contacted Dr. Sheetal Keskkar for advice. After a few minutes of chatting with her on WhatsApp followed by a telephonic call, I was convinced that she would be the right person I am looking for. After this initial briefing, the actual treatment followed. In just one sitting and small treatment from Dr. Keskkar, my mother is relieved to a large extent of all her pains, worries and is back on track with proper appetite and full energy. We have plans to explore Dr. Keskkar’s other treatment options also and I am sure they too will benefit my mother. We as a family strongly believe in the power of Ayurveda Medicine and I am glad that we could lay our hands on one good, efficient, committed Dr. Sheetal Keskkar. You too can explore this option as Ayurveda treatment has no side effects and I am sure that you too will have the same experience as we did. Apart from this, the treatment will also fit our pockets.
Thank you, doctor.
From Mrs. Savita Sholapurkar, Principal Consultant-Human Resources, Thane

Ayurveda is not only about cure, its about healing. Detox and rejuvenate yourself for healthy life. The best doctor in town for any kind of health issues. Veddayyu’s Products are pocket friendly and very effective.
Skin therapy is awesome .Results are seen instantly and no side effects. 10/10 Cheers Dr.Sheetal and Veddayyu
Hello… I was having ankle pain . Visited Dr.Sheetal Keskkar’s Veddayyu clinic. As per Dr.Keskarr’s advice underwent Panchakarma treatment/leech therapy. The result are literally wonderful. Ankle Pain is subsidized and lost some weight also. Dr.Keskkar’s beauty treatment (facial) is very rejuvenating and skin starts looking healthy and fresh. No harsh chemicals, only handmade creams are used with latest techniques. Will definitely recommend Dr Kekkar’s treatment/products.

Excellent Ayurvedic Products.
Complete range for day-to-day life. Useful in current hectic & polluted lifestyles..
Lavendar and Saffron soaps are excellent. Beautiful fragrance and nice shapes.
I tried Dr. Sheetal’s herbal mehendi. It improved the texture of my hair and gave good color.
Tried Mehndi made by Dr Sheetal. It gave good color to my hair and improved the texture.