Vaman Therapy

Vamana means expelling doshas through oral route. It is emesis therapy. Before inducing vamana the toxins and vitiated doshas are brought to amashaya or stomach with various preparatory methods like snehana and swedana. The emesis should never be induced in empty stomach.

Vamana therapy is conducted in early hours of day, when kapha dosha is dominant. Vitiated doshas and accumulated toxins are expelled through methodically induced emesis. Patient is required to be relaxed calm and devoid of any mental stress through out the therapy. After emesis therapy, patient is gradually rehabilitated to regular diet and lifestyle.

Advantages of Vaman therapy:

  • Vitiated and aggressive Kapha dosha is expelled out of the body, leading to cure of disease.
  • The digestion and metabolism power gets enhanced, Normal health is restored.
  • The sense organs, mind, intelligence, and complexion become clear and gain strength.
  • The person gains strength, nourishment and immunity, It improves the chances of fertility, virility and sexual power.
  • It helps to slow down aging process. One can live healthily for long time.

Indications for Vaman Panchakarma treatment

Vomiting therapy should be administered in two Kapha conditions – When Kapha Dosha is increased aggressively causing a disease. Kapha is associated with Pitta dosha and they together cause disease, but Kapha (aka Shleshma) is the dominant Dosha.

Therapeutic Emesis is used for cough, cold, symptoms of asthma, fever, nausea, loss of appetite, anemia, poisoning, skin diseases, diabetes, lymphatic obstruction, chronic indigestion, oedema (swelling), epilepsy (between attacks), chronic sinus problems, and for repeated attacks of tonsillitis.


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